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The Greatest Reset

Here lies the cornerstone that His church was built upon.
His vision forever carries on.

One cornerstone connected the four.

This was done to settle the score.

Am I the one that created it all?

The foundation, the blocks, and the first garden walls.

A series of stones bound together.

Designed to protect us all from the harshest weather.

Cornerstones secure the great walls.

Find all four before the great fall!

It was said the foundation's first 50 stones were lost forever.

Could this be true or just a clever lever?

Construction went on as planned.

Now this is where we stand…

The dreams, the hope, to be protected by charred feathers?

An apple held up with a fragile string, a tether?

There's too much nonsense in the world and it's time for a change.

Time to expose the criminals, their actions so deranged.

Unmask the hidden truths, let justice be rearranged!

What if His promise were to be revoked,

because the colors in the firmament were turned it into a joke? 

His intellectual property stolen, and now the contract is broke.  

Too many sheeple have gone woke.

This is now the access to the gate.

Due to blasphemy, a catastrophe may be at stake.

You seek an addendum to correct the mistake?

Congratulations on SB 4488.

Those who continue to wear the mark upon their heads are the walking dead.

NPC's ensuring the upcoming watershed as foretold in AWS 42.10.

What happened to this world, now full of evil?

Madmen, sand flies and tortured Beagles!

Gain-of-Function redefined?

Only to be accepted by those with compromised minds.

First it was the normal family unit that was destroyed.

Then identity confusion was deployed.

Last but not least your religion will be targeted.

What remains of you will eventually be discarded.

Never let anyone clarify the truth about your religion.

Remember they are soulless creatures out to create division. 

Do the elites think this world is theirs to run?

They dare seed the clouds to block out the sun! 

Manipulating the weather to control their tether,

so we stay indoors instead of outdoors together.

The greatest transfer of wealth in the human race?

Causing poverty for the majority, and enabling clowns to fly through space?

The WHO wants to gain more authority through the Pandemic Treaty,

by removing the following language from its Articles of Principles???...

"with the full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons"
Who the hell do they think they are with
these absurd assertions!

Member nations are automatically enrolled without your approval?

Only a few months left for us to push for their removal.

You must contact your representative immediately and tell them NO!

No more government public / private partnerships.

No more ESG.

This is their key to enslave you and me.

This is a global power grab by unelected officials.

We must fight for their dismantling, and their dismissal!

The WHO is not democratically elected. Those who make decisions cannot be held accountable. In a democracy, policymakers should be democratically elected and held accountable accordingly. If we now commit ourselves to this new Pandemic Treaty, power will be further removed from the citizens. This is detrimental to national sovereignty and to democracy.

The FDA regulates Pfizer. 
Pfizer is a major funder of the FDA.
Not too corrupt, EH?

Moderna paid 400 million to the NIH.

How much more corruption can you take?

Forcing us to take experimental jabs against our wishes.

Without aspirating and causing severe medical conditions!


Pfizer executive J. Small admitted in a hearing that their vaccines were not tested to prevent transmission.

Why did they all threaten the loss of our jobs and forced us to take them against our permission?

Francis Crick Institute Dr. David Bauer confirms recipients of the Pfizer vaccine have 

5-6 fold lower neutralizing antibodies after being double vaccinated,

yet the mockingbird media said the opposite and overexaggerated.

"these are sort of the gold standard private security antibodies of your immune system

which block the virus from getting into your cells in the first place"

Dr. Byram Bridle stated that the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews was assigned an impact factor of 12.008 in 2021.

This makes it a high-impact source of scientific information.

You should take note that they published an incredibly thorough and comprehensive review confirming masks don't work;

a 326 pages-worth of high-quality science compilation.

Non-Covid-related excess death count explodes globally after vaccine rollout,

and these numbers continue to grow,

but they are planning to say we are "not up to date"

and force us to always carry a vaccine passport for us to show.

Morticians around the globe confirm "clotty biostructures" growing inside the vascular system.

This is being discovered while embalming all of the vaccinated victims.

Of course they will say this is all conspiracy theory.

A clever lie designed to make you confused and weary.


A crime scene investigator connect all the dots.

Do you really think we will take anymore shots?

Treason is the crime of attacking a state authority.

Infiltrating countries and robbing them of their glory.

What better description defines this as take over?

Influencing the young global leaders to execute a do-over.

Klaus Schwab admitted "we penetrate the cabinets"...

 We all know which single piece of bacon is the major candidate.

At the WEF, minds meet and speak, visions of a future they seek.

But beware of shadows that creep, whispering of a Fourth Reich's reek.


Are these leaders war criminals, murderers, and thieves?

A mafia on a global scale, full of pedophiles that constantly deceives?

The answer is obvious!

The Sound of Freedom is heard when you strike the head of the snake. 
Genesis 3:15.

Are you going to do what it takes?

The WHO's Global Digital Health Certificate to protect us all?

Don't you mean to control us, prevent travel, and enable the Great Fall!

Don’t even get me started with the UBI.

This will be their money shot in your eye!


The "fact checkers" are funded by political / financial interests, and private foundations.

How can you trust that you are receiving honest information?

Is it possible that every security detail is hypnotized?

This must be why they're aiming their guns at the wrong guys?

This is a nightmare and it's too much.

These NPC's are not able to acknowledge the truth..., 

they are protecting the wrong stuff!

Propaganda tells you the opposite so you think it is legit.

Then, the military-industrial complex executes their next hit.


Centralized systems are being built in disguise,

by the false prophets promising you freedoms?… wise.

The puppet strings will soon be cut,

exposing all of the controlling bastards and the sluts!

Modifying the mosquitoes to attack like a gun,

as we approach the climactic end of our Sun.

Foolish of them, they don't realize...

Do they actually think the people will never rise? 

They want to eliminate the "useless eaters" from what they perceive to be their space,

then welcoming the A.I. to take our place.

Their goal is to transform this world back to paradise,

but only for themselves and their new servants: the A.I.

They worship the evil that rules this realm,

not knowing they, too, will eventually be expelled.

Remember, all is foretold and written,

and eventually, even the A.I. won't put up with their system.


Let me tell you a little secret.

This isn't the first reset, but it is the first time we have the power to conduct our own.

They know it.

They are scared.

They are moving swiftly to prevent that from happening. 


Everyone that complies to their policies enslaves us all.

_ _ _ _ _ _

Now enough with this rant…

The purpose of which is to reveal this grant...

_ _ _ _ _ _


Before March 31st, 2025, opportunities may arise.

Seize the moment and embrace the skies,

before the timer runs out and you may lose a prize.

Will it be The Greatest Reset,

or the Greatest Treasure one could ever beget?

A possible trove?

Is curiosity my flaw?

With eager anticipation a guffaw you shall draw.

No ticket is needed; an opportunity exists for all.

This is only here if you want to commemorate the Win or the Fall.

Will you take a chance to see where Destiny's dice may land?

You must choose between Dusk or Dawn,

but certainly before The Black Swan!

Down the eroded road and around the bend,

As 1 Timothy 6:10 NIV would contend.
This is where you may find something not intended for the Chancellor’s friends.

It is in The Bermuda Triangle, but it is not lost.

However, this journey may come at a cost.

There is a lighthouse in the south and a dark cave in the north;

the latter is where you should pray to find the course to the source.

It is dark on one side and bright in the other,

but it is through the looking glass that you will discover another.

Just keep living. Enjoy the queen’s pools.

Etched in stone are the clues, your tool.

Blinded by light, use polarizers to gain insight,

then pass the jet of particles to your right.

The Arecibo observatory is out of bounds;

1198 KM N/W is where it can be found.

6EQUJ5 is not the location;

it is 56.85 Miles away from the Devil’s station.

So here we are, entering the game’s final level.

Soon, at 12,068, is when we liaise with the Devil.

Will we tilt 90 degrees or reverse 360?

It's up to Mother Nature, our Earth, our Lady.

Eve. Lilith. Apple. Fig.

Which path to choose to find the supposed dig?
Which fruit will be right?

Select wisely, then enter the darkness or the light.

There are clues concealed by strangers unaware.

Their images online, assisting you with care.


This time, Google's Street View will not display the photo dot on the image,

however if you click on the correct spot on the map you will see the vision.

Connect the lines 
to discover the righteous path to the divine.

If you find it you must remember that sacrilege is unacceptable,

and disrespectful behavior is reprehensible!

Find the keys to the chains that bind,

an opportunity to be in paradise till the end of time.

Shackles break, freedom awakes!

You are the mirror image of the manifest
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